Image for article titled Like the Transformers, These New Stamps Reveal More Than Meets The Eye

Traditional mail service is struggling despite the huge increase in online shopping. The Royal Mail in the UK is about to introduce some truly amazing postage stamps featuring heroes that pre-date email, texting, and Facetime, which will change the way people write letters to each other.

The Royal Mail is trying to lure more than just stamp collectors with a new collection of postage stamps that feature some of the most popular toy lines.

The artwork on these stamps is very similar to the artwork on the back of the packaging, so if you've ever begged your parents to buy a Transformers toy, you'll know what I'm talking about. Comic book artists Andrew Wildman, Stephen Baserville, and John-Paul Bove, who have all worked on the long-running Transformers comics, created the original artwork for the stamps.

Image for article titled Like the Transformers, These New Stamps Reveal More Than Meets The Eye

When exposed to UV light, eight of the stamps in this 13 stamp collection reveal more about the characters featured. The animations brought to life through augmented reality, as well as clips of the specific character from the original animated series, can be found on those eight stamps.