The billionaire tech mogul and vocal free speech warrior has once again proved that his self-avowed free speech absolutism is not absolute.

The Cyberspace Administration of China published a column by the CEO of the two companies. He is free to speak wherever he pleases. Seeing as how the Chinese government's central censorship body works around the clock to counter free speech, publishing on its specific platform seems like a seriously conflicting move for such an outspoken free speech advocate.

Business First

The case of Highly Conditional Musk Free Speech-ism is likely to be financially motivated. It makes sense that Musk has developed a strong relationship with Beijing, as China is the top market for electric vehicles.

Musk isn't the only American tech leader who has tried to strengthen business ties with the nation despite restrictions on freedom of expression. Powerful executives have worked to do the same.

There is a major difference. When it benefits their own business interests, none of those CEOs have been louder than Musk. They aren't going to court for attempting to buy a major social media platform on the principle that free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, as Musk wrote in an April statement.

Musk is more concerned about his bottom line than he is about his rights or ethics. Take any value statements with a lot of salt.

Musk wrote in the column that he hoped more people would join the fight to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. More like minded Chinese partners are welcome to join us in exploring clean energy, artificial intelligence, human-machine collaboration and space exploration.

Musk is telling China's censors about his vision for the future.

The free speech champion fired employees who criticized him.