A piece of metal fell from the sky and almost hit a police officer.
The object was probably from a plane.
When the object fell next to the officer, he was shocked.
Officials said that a piece of metal fell from the sky and almost hit a police officer.
CNN reported that the Maine Department of Public Safety said in a news release that the object fell from the sky.
The screener for the Maine Capitol Police was walking outside of the state Capitol when it landed.
Two people watched as the object fell from the sky.
The piece was believed to be from a large plane that was passing overhead, and the FAA was investigating, according to CNN.
The FAA is trying to find the source of the part which is likely from a large airliner on an international route.
The Maine Department of Public Safety, the Maine State Police, the FAA, and the Maine Capitol Police have been contacted by Insider.
Maine Capitol Police Chief Matthew Clancy said the officer who was nearby was shocked by the object that fell.
Clancy said that the man got a wake up call when he returned to the building.
He said that all of the planes that flew over the area were alert and had landed safely.
Two aviation experts told the Kennebec Journal that they weren't sure if the object was from a plane.
Business Insider has an article on it.