A large crowd of people at Las Vegas Airport
The loud noise caused chaos at the airport, including huge lines and flight delays.@MrDaddyMachine on Twitter
  • After hearing a loud noise, passengers ran through security without being screened.

  • On Sunday, concourses had to be cleared and passengers re-screened due to this.

  • Police blamed the noise on an unruly subject and said reports of a shooting were not true.

Passengers ran through security without being screened after hearing a loud noise at the airport.

According to social media posts, panic began when passengers and staff heard a gunshot. There were unconfirmed reports of a shooting at the airport.

The police department said that the noise was caused by an unruly person.

It said that the person was in custody. The person's status is not known.

The noise caused a panic among travelers and some people rushed through the security checkpoint.

Passengers from multiple concourses had to go back to the checkpoint to be re-screened.

A person shared a video of people shouting and running through security, with staff in uniforms.

A passenger at the airport said that no one knew what was happening. We don't know why everyone is running.

The passenger said that people had pushed down the gates.

A passenger said that he heard someone scream "gun" and hid in a stairwell with other passengers until they were cleared by security.

He said that people trampled other people at the checkpoint. I have heard of broken feet.

The airport said that delays would continue as concourses were cleared and passengers were screened.

It warned that the cancellation could happen. People had to queue outside the terminal building because of a long line at the airport.

More than 30% of flights to and from the airport were delayed or canceled on Sunday.

There was an incident at Las Vegas Airport.

Even though passenger numbers are almost back to normal, airports and airlines don't have as many workers because of layoffs. Flight delays, cancellation, and lost luggage have been caused by this.

The Las Vegas Airport said it was its busiest month ever.

Business Insider has an article on it.