The previous record for the most powerful stable magnetic field was broken by a hybrid magnet in China.

A steady magnetic field of 45.22 tesla was achieved at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Steady High Magnetic Field Facility.

The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in the US has held the record for a steady magnetic field of 45 tesla. New limits on conditions used to study physical phenomena have been set by the breakthrough.

The MagLab and SHMFF research teams are working on their own hybrid magnets. There are two ways in which this magnet creates a magnetic field, one using an outer superconducting ring and another using an inner Bitter magnet. The Bitter magnet requires a much higher power input than the superconducting one, which has a lower power input.

The two technologies combine to allow for the propagation of a powerful magnetic field. The SHMFF attained a steady magnetic field strength of 40 tesla in 2016 and is an incredible achievement.

graph showing the magnetic field strength of the hybrid magnet
A graph showing the magnetic field strength contributions and record. (SHMFF)

The Chinese Academy of Sciences' team continued to work on their magnet after they left it there. It has been a long time since that hard work paid off.

The director of the High Magnetic Field Laboratory of Hefei Institute of Physical Science said that they innovated the structure of the magnet and developed new materials to achieve higher magnetic field. The manufacturing process of the discs was improved.

The team achieved their 45.22 tesla record with a power input of 26.9 tesla, and the magnet seems to be a leader. The MagLab has a power input of 30megawatts.

The team said that the SHMFF magnet is a step forward.

The National Steady State High Magnetic Field Experiment Facility produces the world's highest steady state magnetic field, which improves the experimental conditions for scientists to carry out material science research, and will play an important role in the research of low-power electronic materials and other fields.

The openness and sharing level will be greatly improved as the strength of the magnetic field generated by the hybrid magnet increases.

The strongest magnetic field ever created on Earth was briefly achieved in a trial run. We will wait to see if future improvements will make it official.