Reports say that Rushdie may have been stabbed by the Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran.

Rushdie was attacked by a group of people as he gave a speech. He had stab wounds to his neck and stomach, puncture wounds to his right eye and chest, and a laceration on his right thigh.

Andrew Wylie, Rushdie's literary agent, said in a text message that the road to recovery has begun. His condition is heading in the right direction despite the severe injuries.

According to a statement released by his son on Sunday, the 75-year-old author is in critical condition and is receiving extensive medical treatment for his injuries. Rushdie was taken off of a breathing apparatus on Saturday.

"Though his life changing injuries are severe, his usual feisty and defiant sense of humor remains intact," Rushdie said.

Matar pleaded not guilty to charges of attempted murder and assault with a weapon during his court appearance. Vice and NBC News New York reported that a New Jersey resident is sympathetic to Shia extremists and may have ties to the Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Iran's Islamic republic political system is protected by the IRGC, a branch of the Iranian armed forces. The governments of Saudi Arabia and the United States consider it to be a terrorist group.

The fatwa calling for Rushdie's assassination was issued in 1989 by an Iranian cleric who claimed Rushdie's book was against Islam.

European and Middle Eastern intelligence officials told VICE World News that Matar had been in contact with members of the IRGC on social media but did not specify who initiated the contact or what was discussed.

According to NBC News New York, Matar followed IRGC causes on his social media accounts.

A NATO counter- terrorism official told VICE World News that the stabbing presented with the hallmarks of a "guided" attack, where an intelligence service talks a supporter into violence without direct involvement in the incident itself.

A Middle Eastern intelligence official told VICE World News that a person born in the US did not come up with a plan to kill Rushdie. It would be hard to find references to Rushdie compared to the other modern enemies of the regime.