The planet Saturn seen through a telescope

Weather permitting, you can see the planet Saturn at its best for 2022 on Aug. 14, 2022, in a free Virtual Telescope Project webcast. (Image credit: Virtual Telescope Project)

The jewel of the solar system is often hailed as a ringed planet, and you have a chance to see why in a free online seminar tonight.

The most beautiful rings of all the planets in the solar system will be visible in the night sky tonight. The Virtual Telescope Project will broadcast live views of the moon from Italy. The broadcast will start at 7:30 pm. The sun rises at 2330GMT. You can watch it on the Virtual Telescope Project website as well as on this page.

As the lunar cycle progresses, the background of stars will shift to the west as Earth moves around the sun, according to NASA. On August 14th, the sun will rise around sunset and set around sunrise, making it the best day of the year forSaturn.

There are planets in the August night sky.

When the moon is in opposition to the sun, it is on the opposite side of the planet. It is at its closest point in the year in 2022.

Procyon is the eighth-brightest star in the night sky and is currently shining at a magnitude of +0.3. There is a planet in the sky.

There are other planets in the sky tonight. The moon and Jupiter will put on a show.

An illustration showing Saturn at opposition in the night sky of August 14

An illustration showing Saturn at opposition in the night sky of August 14, 2022. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Jupiter will be visible to the left of the gibbous moon on August 14 to 15, 2022," They will rise above the eastern horizon at 9:58pm. NASA stated in its guide that the moon is left of Jupiter. About 10 degrees of the sky is covered by your closed fist. The moon will reach its highest point in the sky at 4:02 a.m. on Monday, with Jupiter around 4 degrees above the moon.

Jupiter and the moon on Aug. 14, 2022

This sky map shows where Jupiter and the moon will be in the southwestern sky in the evening of Aug. 14, 2022. (Image credit: Starry Night Software)

Are you looking for a way to see the planets? Our guides can help you find the best binoculars and telescopes. If you're looking for equipment to capture the next skywatching sight like a pro, you'll find it here.

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