A high school student was arrested on Thursday for blackmail and bomb threats that took place on the internet.

Fox47 reported yesterday that a teen used digital currency to pay for bomb threats made to a high school. The student admitted he was responsible and investigators found multiple payments from his digital wallet on the Exodus app.

The teen told police he didn't want to go to school. He used the money from selling passwords to purchase the currency. At one point, the teen says he had over $1 million in his account.

After the first threat was made on February 28, the high school was put into a state of lock down.


The report states that investigators found blackmail messages on the student's computer. The teen who paid for the harassment against him and his family was threatened with the same kind of harassment if he didn't give up his wallet.

It's not clear if the blackmail attempt had a direct connection to the bomb threat calls, but it's certainly another example of the negative influence manycryptocurrencies exchanges have had on society.

From power-guzzling mining rigs to creating an increase in suicidal thoughts among broke investors, there's no end to the bad boys going to. It's sad that some of them are so young, but it's even sadder to know that they are terrified for their lives.

Martin Shkreli's huge stake in his new coin caused it to crash.