Even though he doesn't live in the US, Charbonneau was angry by the Supreme Court's decision.

Just months before the Supreme Court decision, the 28-year-old got a vasectomy. He used social media to get others to do the same.

Female contraceptives are safe alternatives to vasectomy. He wrote on Facebook that contraceptives are not only on women but on men. Don't make the wrong choice.

In an interview with Insider, Charbonneau said that his female friends had never talked about birth control.

He said that women were talking about how shocked they were by the events in the US. They were all quiet. Nobody was talking about it.

Charbonneau said the news is still relevant to him even though he doesn't live in the US Even though the decision was teased in May, Charbonneau said that it's not impossible that people will try to reverse the decision here.

He said that Canadians are kind of protected. If it were in Canada, what would happen?

He said that speaking out in favor of vasectomies is a way of showing solidarity with women in the US.

He said that they had stepped back for the advancement of the woman's rights. We are taking away rights.

It's a huge regression about the rights in the US. It's not possible to decide if you want to keep it or not.

The Supreme Court left the legality of abortion in the hands of individual states.

It is now illegal in at least 22 states to get an abortion after the Supreme Court's decision. There will be additional restrictions in other states.

He had a vasectomy at the age of 27. He didn't want the burden of birth control to fall solely on his girlfriend because he was in a relationship.

He told Insider that they have to share the responsibility of dancing tango together.

The procedure took about two weeks, according to him. Women have a harder time getting reproductive healthcare.

You're too young in Canada. He said that one day you'll want to have a child. It's difficult for women here to get preventative reproductive care that will prevent them from getting pregnant.

It's easy. It wasn't a fee. He stated that it was covered by the health insurance.

Men have been asking Charbonneau about the procedure since he spoke out about it.

He wants men to know that they have responsibilities in the birth control world.