Large voids of nothingness are one of the largest features of the universe. Cosmic voids, sometimes measuring in at hundreds of millions of light-years in width, are the space between neurons.

There is a possibility that the voids might explain one of the most baffling mysteries in the universe. According to a new paper spotted by Live Science, these voids may be the source of dark energy, the yet-unexplained force that most experts believe is causing the universe to expand faster and faster.

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Observations show that the universe is expanding more quickly than our best calculations suggest. Dark matter is thought to be causing that faster-than- expected expansion.

The Iranian researchers' thesis is that the huge voids are putting pressure on the stuff around them. If the claim holds up, it's thought that they're messing with the expansion of the universe outside of what you'd expect.

It's not clear whether the claim will hold up. The scientists frame the voids as a possible source of dark energy. The history of science will be enriched by anyone who explains the mysteries of dark matter.

NASA has a proposal to investigate the mysteries of dark matter.