Fox News host Brian Kilmeade sought to clarify the news organization's use of a fake image depicting the judge who signed off on the Mar-a-Lago search warrant.

The fake image was broadcasted on Fox News. There was a doctored photo of a person getting a massage.

There's a picture of Bruce. The judge is in charge. If he releases it next, we will see. He likes to drink and eat.

Kilmeade told viewers he wanted to make sure they knew it wasn't real.

While subbing for Tucker Carlson, we showed you an image of Judge Bruce Reinhart with Ghislaine Maxwell that wasn't real, according to a post on the show's Facebook page. We wanted to make clear that we were showing a joke.

Republicans have been critical of the person who signed off on the warrant. The judge who approved the FBI's warrant to search former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence has been the subject of a torrent of online attacks.

He has been attacked for serving as a defense attorney for employees of a convicted sex predator, and he is also facing a lot of online threats.

He is a member of the synagogue where some of this rhetoric has been directed.

There is no evidence that the search warrant was politically motivated. Conservative commentators on Fox News have suggested that FBI agents planted the evidence.