Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Delaware on April 23, 2022, left. Michael Cohen leaves federal court in Manhattan on Nov. 22, 2021, right.
Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Delaware on April 23, 2022, left. Michael Cohen leaves federal court in Manhattan on Nov. 22, 2021, right.Left, Joe Maiorana/AP. Right, Carlo Allegri
  • After the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, Michael Cohen said that Trump felt trapped.

  • Cohen said whoever tipped off the feds is willing to provide more.

  • Cohen said that an indictment and incarceration are usually what comes after a raid.

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former personal attorney and fixer, said that the former president is likely feeling alone after the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago estate. He said that Trump is worried that someone might have more incriminating information if they tipped off the feds before the raid.

Cohen told CNN that Donald is not worried about the FBI coming to Mar-a-Lago. He's worried about the boxes that were taken because he knows what's in them.

Cohen said, "That's what's concerning him, that with who is it that is providing the information, he feels trapped." He should feel this way because whoever gave the feds the information is willing to give more.

Cohen said, "They will continue to do so until ultimately, and one thing, you know, when the feds raid, usually what comes after that is an indictment and incarceration and nobody knows that better than me."

Cohen was one of Trump's most loyal and aggressive attack dogs. Federal authorities raided his home and office as part of a criminal investigation into Trump's payments to Daniels.

Cohen changed his mind when he felt that Trump had abandoned him. He pleaded guilty to a number of crimes including tax evasion, campaign finance violations, and bank fraud. He pleaded guilty to lying to Congress as part of the investigation into Russia's interference in the US election.

Cohen was released from prison in November. He is said to be cooperating in a number of criminal and civil investigations into his former boss after pleading guilty.

The FBI executed a search warrant at Trump's house.

Sources told Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal that Mar-a-Lago may have been the location of improper storage of government documents. According to Rolling Stone, Trump's allies are having a hard time figuring out who is working with the feds.

The FBI may have planted evidence during the raid.

"Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or planting," Trump wrote. These suggestions were shot down by Trump's attorney.

Cohen said in his CNN interview that the statement was reckless and despicable.

Business Insider has an article on it.