There is a person by the name ofClare Wilson.
It is important for bone health to have a vegetarian diet.
A stock photo of a person.
Women who are vegetarian are three times more likely to break a hip than women who are meat eaters.
The increase in risk may be due to the fact that a meat-free diet may not have enough vitamins and minerals.
As they get older, women are more likely to break their hips than men because the sex hormones oestrogen and testosterone decline. Older people are more likely to die from broken hips as they are hard to recover from and can lead to long term health problems. The effect on health is large according to JamesWebster.
The team took advantage of a large ongoing study that has tracked the health and lifestyle of over 26,000 women in the UK for about two decades. None of them were trans as far as the researchers know.
A small percentage of participants broke their hip during that time. The risk of this happening was 33 per cent higher for people who were vegetarian.
There was no difference between people who ate less meat and people who ate more. The study didn't include vegan people.
Being vegetarian is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, for example. The latest study can only prove that there are correlations between diet and health.
The studies can make a meat-free diet seem better than it really is because vegetarians tend to have better lifestyles than meat eaters. Randomised trials are the best kind of medical evidence, but they are hard to find for a major diet choice.
The latest findings shouldn't make people quit vegetarianism, as people can get calcium-fortified dairy products if they need it, and they can take vitamins if they need them.
The outcomes for the health of vegetarians are generally very good according to Jen Elford. Fracture risk is related to intake of calcium and vitamins D and so the need to ensure reliable intakes is highlighted.
There is a journal reference in the field of medicine.
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