Rob Pelinka, the Lakers GM, barely spoke when he talked about how special his relationship with Kobe was. Pelinka says he still considers Kobe to be his best friend, and that having Kobe as a friend was like knowing a superhero. Pelinka was in church when he got the call about the helicopter crash and rushed to the airport to meetVanessa. Pelinka claims that the area would be kept private after he and his friend were taken close to the site. Pelinka says that if the photos from the scene were to be made public, there would be fear for the safety of her daughters. The site of the crash where Kobe and GiGi died was touched byVanessa in June 2020. Bryant's lawyer told the jury that the photos of the dead were taken for a laugh. The lawyer said that the deputy used their cellphones to take photos for personal use. There were pictures of broken bodies, close-ups of limbs and burned flesh. The deposition of a Sheriff's detective who said his wife didn't want to see the photos was played by the lawyer. In the future, the attorney says, she and her family will see the photos. The lawyer said that Kobe was her everything and that she would be haunted by what the deputy did. The crux of the case involves L.A. County Sheriff's deputies who took photos of the bodies of Kobe and daughter, and then shared them with colleagues. The bartender blew the whistle on the deputy after he showed the photos to a woman at a bar. According to the lawsuit, the conduct of the deputy caused her severe emotional distress. The lawyers for L.A. County said that the photos were not the reason for the emotional distress of the woman. The Kobe Bryant Act made it a crime for first responders to share photos of a dead person at a crime scene for other reasons.