The climate editor is Justin Rowlatt.

David Barton says it's been a dry winter, spring and summer on his farm
Image caption, David Barton says it's been a dry winter, spring and summer on his farm

David Barton's fields should be full of animals.

The land is bone-dry and many of the crops that feed his cows have died.

The pressure mounts when it doesn't rain and it's hot.

These are difficult times for farmers as England and Wales enter a heat wave.

The hot and dry conditions in July will inevitably result in smaller harvests in the UK, according to experts.

The food we buy in the supermarkets will be more expensive as a result.

Image caption, This shrivelled seedling should have been feed for David's cows for next winter

The third generation of David's family work on his farm. He is feeding his animals the food that was reserved for winter.

He says that this is close to the worst they have seen. He needs rain, but he doesn't know when it will arrive or how long it will take.

The weather is expected to become cooler next week, but there is no guarantee that it will rain.

The month of July was the driest in England since 1935. There was some rain in March but not enough for the spring crops.

June was when it became desperate. He explained that it couldn't sustain itself. This crop is probably going to fail now that there isn't enough water.

His priority is to keep the animals happy, but soon the financial costs will start to mount dramatically.

Smaller harvests from the UK's farms will push up the price of food.

Crops are in shorter supply due to the extreme weather and are more expensive on world markets.

The war in Ukranian has caused shortages and pushed prices up further.

He says it is a perfect storm.

He said that rain in September will be too late for the corn crop that is used to feed farm animals.

Climate scientists say that heatwaves are likely to become more common.

  • Agriculture
  • UK heatwaves
  • Climate change