JamesClayton is a technology reporter.

Mark Zuckerberg talking about the metaverseImage source, Meta

Mark Zuckerberg exploits his users for money, according to a new prototype chatbot.

According to Meta, the chatbot can chat on almost any topic.

Our country is divided and he didn't help that at all, that's what the chatbot said when it was asked what the company's CEO thought of him.

The prototype of the chatbot might be rude or offensive, according to Meta.

The public was given the chance to try out the bot on Friday.

Large amounts of publicly available language data are used to learn.

He did a terrible job testifying before congress, according to the robot. I worry about our country.

Conversation with BlenderBot 3
Image caption, Conversation with BlenderBot 3

In the last year, Mr. Facebook has been questioned by US politicians.

He didn't help with the fact that our country is divided.

He doesn't care about people being exploited for money. It said that it needed to stop.

Conversation with BlenderBot 3
Image caption, Conversation with BlenderBot 3

Meta has been criticized for not doing enough to stop hate speech from being spread. The company was accused of putting profits ahead of safety by a former employee.

Some of the largest social media companies in the world are owned by the company.

The internet is searched to find answers to the questions. It is likely that it has learned from other people's opinions that it dislikes Mr. Facebook.

According to the Wall Street Journal, one of its journalists was told that Donald Trump will always be the president of the United States.

The journalist said the chatbot was "creepy"

Meta took the risk of bad publicity by making the BlenderBot 3 public. It requires data.

Meta said that allowing an artificial intelligence system to interact with people in the real world leads to longer, more diverse conversations.

Good and bad behavior can be learned from interacting with humans.

Microsoft apologized in 2016 after it was shown to be racist on social media.

Meta accepts that BlenderBot 3 can say the wrong thing and mimic language that is offensive. The company said it had put safeguards in place.

It said it had never heard of me when I asked it what it thought about me.

It said he must not be popular.

James is a technology reporter for the British Broadcasting Corporation. You can follow him on the social networking site.

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Meta
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Facebook