Teens still love watching videos on the internet.

The most popular social media platform among teens is YouTube. 95 percent of teens use YouTube, and 19 percent use it almost constantly, according to a survey. Teens were surveyed on their use of a number of social media sites. They might include BeReal next time.

The rise of TikTok has led to a misconception that teens only watch short-form videos, but the popularity of YouTube shows that teens still enjoy long-form content. Video essays are popular on the platform.

TikTok was found to be the second most popular platform with 67 percent of teens using it. 15 percent of those who use TikTok use it frequently. Gen Z is the first generation of digital natives and it makes sense that they consume a lot of video content. Because it doesn't require a person to set up an account, it's more accessible to a broader demographic of teens.

Facebook is still declining with teens. According to the study, since the beginning of the year, the number of teens who have ever used Facebook has fallen by 39 points. They found that usage of the two social media sites has fallen.

With the oldest members of Generation Alpha entering their teens in 2023, there could be a shift in the use of social media. Studies show that Gen Alpha is spending less time online.