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Larysa Harapyn of the Financial Post unpacks what Canadians are afraid of.

Inflation in Canada is at a 40-year high. That has had an impact on everything from the price of groceries to gas to the cost of housing.

Canada's inflation is at a 40-year high The cost of groceries, gas, and housing have all been affected by that.

The photo was taken by Carlos Osorio.

According to Larysa Harapyn and Kelly Keehn, more Canadians feel scared and paranoid about their finances.

  1. Myron Genyk poses for a photograph while out on the lakeshore with his family in Mississauga, Ont., on Tuesday, July 26, 2022.
  2. A customer pumps gas at a gas station in Texas. Gas prices fell in July.
  3. Food costs have skyrocketed but are grocery chains partly to blame?

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