Image for article titled How to Befriend Crows and Turn Them Against Your Enemies

I tried to put myself on a bunch of ducks so they would think I was their mom. It wasn't really good. The ducks did not do anything in my house. I'm going to move onto crows. I'm going to have a lot of crows following me around instead of a bunch of stupid ducklings. My personal crow army will be used to destroy my enemies.

Why crows?

crows are self-sufficient and don't have to be diapered They communicate with each other. They might be as smart as a human child. They seem to have some sort of culture. crows can identify human faces My face will be recognized by them as that of their master. Stephen Johnson is the master of crows.

Is it legal to keep crows as pets?

crows are not allowed to be pets in a lot of places. I plan to let the birds in my crow army live their own lives because I am too lazy to take care of them, but if you are planning on having an actual pet crow, you may have to hide it from the authorities.

How to attract crows

Gathering your crows is the beginning of crow mastery. If you live in a city or suburb, you may be able to find a quiet place for the birds to roost. Rural crows are more suspicious and less likely to scare you.

Modifications to your yard are possible. You will have to give up your current pets because crows are not going to hang out with known bird enemies. The sacrifice is worth it. Get rid of the wind chime and other noise sources. The crows don't want to be frightened.

It's important to make sure your yard is green. Installation of a birdbath will help the crows clean themselves and their prey.

How to feed your crows

I wanted the crows to see me and feel a kinship, but so far that hasn't worked, so I had to feed them. The crows are omnivores and will eat anything. Internet crow experts recommend feeding them nuts, eggs, scraps of meat and cat food. I like crows who are bloodthirsty.

It's best to place your food in an open area that can be seen from the air. Leave it, then. It takes time to befriend crows. While waiting for the appearance of a crow, keep your distance because they won't go near food if you are close. Don't stare at them. Don't haste. Allow them to get used to you and your yard by hiding away.

Be patient and consistent

If you leave food for crows at the same time of day, they'll add your backyard to their mental map of "places food comes from." You can try to stray a bit closer to the food if they show up frequently. Startle them, but don't overload them. The crows have a lot of memories. The fun begins when the crows associate you with the food and the environment of your back yard.

Your crow army and you

If you do well, your kind deed will spread like a legend among local crows, and more will show up in your yard to eat your food. The crows will leave you shiny things if they like you. Hercules Poirot, Belgium's greatest detective, can only solve a mystery that can only be solved with the help of a necklace.

Crows are known to be protective

crows become territorial and protective when befriended by people cranne asked for legal advice due to the possibility of liability from her personal flock attacking neighbors.