Watters made little effort to back up his claim that the FBI planted evidence when it raided Mar-a-Lago.

After federal agents executed a search warrant at Donald Trump's Florida residence, Jesse Watters railed against the move on his show.

During the Russia hoax, the FBI planted evidence, which is what they're doing now.

They may have doctored the evidence to get the warrant, like they did during the Russia hoax.

He was backed up by a Trump lawyer.

The idea of evidence-planting in a truth social post was brought up by Trump on Wednesday.

Watters' talk of "what they did during the Russia hoax" was likely a reference to an allegation he made in February. The origins of the FBI's Russia probe were being investigated.

Durham raised a conflict-of-interest concern about a lawyer linked to the Democratic Party who obtained data from the Trump Tower server.

Watters went so far as to say that Clinton's hackers planted evidence to connect Trump to Russia. This was not alleged in Durham's filing.

The FBI didn't give any information about why it searched a former president's house. On the basis of anonymous sources, it has been reported that the National Archives searched for classified documents.

Watters alleged that President Joe Biden was behind the raid despite a public statement that he was unaware of it.

The idea that the FBI planted evidence at Mar-A-Lago was brought up by the Trump attorney.

She said she was concerned that they might have planted something. She was not asked to explain.

Christina Bobb cast doubt on the FBI's integrity even though she shied away from making the same claims.

She told Real America's Voice that she doesn't think they would go as far as planting information.

—Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 9, 2022