Reports from the Russian invasion of Ukraine suggested that the military had deployed Steven Seagal with its troops. A video that showed the former action star standing among the ruins of the Olenivka prison, where dozens of Ukrainian POWs died in a recent attack, was published by a Russian outlet.
The Washington Post reports that Russia and Ukraine are blaming each other for the destruction of the prison.
In a video posted to Russian news site TVZVEZDA, Seagal, who is identified as a special representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Relations between Russia and the U.S., appears to serve as a spokesman against the use of military force
Seagal said it looked like a rocket, according to reports. It is not a bomb if you look at the burning. Russia has a lot of artifacts from the Himars. 50 people were killed and 70 others were injured in this location.
According to the Russian site, Seagal added a conspiracy angle by suggesting that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the country's President, wanted to silence a "Nazi" being held at the prison in order to protect his family.
Seagal said that Zelensky is responsible for the orders about torture and other atrocities that violate not only theGeneva War Convention but are also crimes against humanity.
The images from the attack on Olenivka prison are not in line with what we know about Himars.
According to the Post, the experts could not say what caused the damage, but they said there was no damage to internal walls. There were signs of an intense fire, which was at odds with the damage caused by the most common warhead.
According to TVZVEZDA, Seagal was one of the people who visited the prison.
The news site reported that media representatives from France, Italy, Germany, Serbia, Nicaragua, North Korea and other countries were aware of the evidence that the strike was carried out by Ukrainian militant groups and that they saw the destruction at the site.
Oliver Alexander, an open-source intelligence analyst, weighed in on the validity of the footage.
As he gave his statement, the imagery from the prison appeared to match what he was seeing. A scene in which the action star is positioned on a bench with blast artifacts was taken two weeks after the area was first photographed.
Alexander told Military Times that he wouldn't expect Russia to handle the evidence like that.
The visit was verified by the journal.
He is known for his pro-Russian stance. He was in favor of the annexation of the peninsula. The actor was granted Russian citizenship.