There is a flash.
There is no greater mystery in Hollywood than what WB is going to do with The Flash.
The biggest issues it faced were being run through a few different directors, and it seemed like a perfectly reasonable idea a few years ago. Do you think it's right now? The current state of the DC universe is vastly different than the one it was in, and the situation where the star is on a crime spree is ridiculous.
Barbara Muschietti decided to give an update on how things were going after Batgirl was canceled. She said, "All is good in flash land", which became a meme.
There are two parts to this. DC seems to be poised to execute some kind of grand overhaul of DC, and TheFlash may be executing remnants of a previous plan that is no longer in the cards. Batgirl, for instance, was canceled, and that film was supposed to connect with Batman, played by Michael Keaton in a cameo, and the co-stars of the show, who were also supposed to get a solo film.
The justice league.
The structure of the DCEU appears to be falling apart. Even within the DC multiverse, where The Rock thinks he is going to start his own Black Adam universe, and refuses to acknowledge what should be his rival, Shazam, WB is allowing him to duke it out with Superman. James Gunn doesn't connect much with the actual DCEU, other than saying The dick is "a dick" The series can't rely on the actor as any sort of building block or grand reset button
That's because Miller is a criminal. They have been arrested many times over the course of the last year, including a new arrest this week for a felony in Hawaii, where they were arrested every few days for a long time. It is not clear if it is mental health issues, drugs or just an old fashioned love of crime, but what is clear is that they cannot play Barry Allen after this. It's all anyone will be interested in even if the press tours and premiere are out.
If WB can cancel Batgirl for $90 million cost-saving, tax-cutting write down, why can't they do the same with the $200 million flash? WB may think they have a hit on their hands despite the fact that early test screenings for The Flash have gone quite well. It is possible that the controversy will bring more people to see what is left of Barry Allen, as skeevy as that may seem.
Everyone was excited for the Justice League movie because they liked the performance of Ezra Miller as TheFlash. Between the destruction of the DCEU and the real-life crimes of Ezra Miller, it seems that all is not well in the land of the flash.
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