Alex Jones has been ordered to pay tens of millions of dollars in damages for spreading lies about the Sandy Hook school shooting.
A lawyer for the Sandy Hook parents who won their defamation lawsuit against Jones said that the far-right conspiracy theorist sent an "intimate photo" of his wife to Roger Stone. The video can be watched below.
Bankston said that lawyers for Jones accidentally sent him two years of Jones's text messages. Bankston told "The Young Turks" that one text contained an "intimate photo" of Jones' wife.
The intimate photo was sent to Roger Stone and Bankston isn't sure if it was consensual.
If it wasn't consensual. He said thatErika should know about that. Something needs to be done about that. It could be done in a way that was consensual. I am concerned that something may not be on the up and up with that when I see it. Certain states have laws about that.
Jones said on his show that he sent a nude photo of his wife to her.
After the parents of Jesse Lewis, who was killed in the Sandy Hook school massacre, sued Jones, a jury ordered him to pay about 45 million dollars.
Lawyers for Jones and Stone didn't reply immediately.
The article was first published on HuffPost.