You can now uninstall a message for up to two days and 12 hours, so you don't have to worry about accidentally sending it again. The previous limit was 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 16 seconds.

The company did not specify the 12 hour part of the feature.

💭 Rethinking your message? Now you’ll have a little over 2 days to delete your messages from your chats after you hit send.

— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) August 8, 2022

The unsend feature was initially introduced with a time limit of seven minutes, but was increased to one hour and eight minutes. The company might consider introducing a seven-day limit, but with this new update it has chosen a rather odd time frame of two and a half days.

Telegram has no limit on the amount of time you can remove a chat. At its Worldwide Developer Conference in June, Apple introduced the unsend feature for its mobile operating system, which resulted in a reduction in the time limit from 15 minutes to two minutes.

Privacy features are being added to the app including the ability to leave a group silently.

WhatsApp is adding new privacy options, including screenshot blocking and a stealth mode