Mette Helena: We are always starting out with the home. Once we find a home where the family is willing to be hosts, the home itself becomes the theme, the starting point. Then, we find our artists and artwork from there.

Anne: A lot of our homes are in Copenhagen, the capital, and our next home is in Hellerup, one of the most expensive areas in Denmark. But last month, we had a home in Mors, which is farther away, a totally different neighborhood and audience.

Linne: That's wonderful that you're bringing people together who would not necessarily otherwise be viewing this art!

Have you noticed that you both have similar taste in art, or are you drawn to different styles? And, how do you balance your distinct points of view?

Anne: We definitely have similar taste-that's why I reached out through iInstagram originally. I thought, "Oh, Mette Helena has such a nice home and so much nice art!" I think that's how we actually became close.

Mette Helena: When we get mail from artists asking if we're interested in showing their art, we almost always agree completely on what to do. We will always select the same pieces.

Anne: It's pretty crazy, we creepily agree on everything. We very much have the same taste, but our personalities are very different.

Mette Helena: We are a perfect match because we are good at different things.
