The Senate spent more than 12 hours debating amendments to the Inflation Reduction Act, a landmark climate, tax and healthcare bill Democrats aim to pass Sunday afternoon using the Senate's reconciliation rules.
The "vote-a-rama" is when Sen. Joe Manchin talks to reporters during amendments.
The Senate began voting on amendments late Saturday night and continued working on the bill overnight, with Democrats quashing a number of amendments proposed by Republicans.
A provision that would have capped the price ofinsulin for private insurers at $35 a month was blocked by Republicans on Sunday, with 43 senators voting against the provision and 57 lawmakers voting to keep it.
The vote will put the lives of people with diabetes at risk, according to Sen. Murray.
The Republicans argued that the price cap did not fall under the rules for reconciliation bills because it did not relate to the budget.
There is a copay cap for Medicare patients.
If the bill passes the Senate, it will go to the House.
A tax, climate and healthcare bill was announced last week by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin. The bill would invest money in renewable energy programs, allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices, and raise revenue by introducing a 15% minimum corporate tax. The bill will reduce the deficit by more than $300 billion over the next 10 years without shutting off fossil fuels, according to Manchin.
Manchin struck a deal with Schumer on the energy and healthcare bill.