Glenn Kirschner thinks former White House chief of staff MarkMeadows will eventually turn on Donald Trump.

Do you think MarkMeadows will take the fall for Trump? Donate your time to dive under the bus. In a video posted to the internet, Kirschner denied. He's going to make a lot of money. He is going to help. The man is going to flip. State's evidence will be turned over by him. He's going to tell the truth. He's going to tell the truth.

—Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) August 5, 2022

During the recent House January 6 committee hearings, shocking testimony was given by former aides, including Cassidy Hutchinson, who made several shocking claims.

She said that Trump was in favor of hanging Mike Pence.

She said that Trump made a lot of effort to get to the Capitol even though they were told to take him somewhere else. Hutchinson said that he lunged forward at the driver and grabbed at the Secret Service agent's throat in order to get them to the Capitol.

She said that Trump urged the Secret Service to remove metal detectors.

The president said something to the effect of "I don't care that they have weapons". They are here to help me. The mags should be taken away. The people can march to the Capitol from here.

Trump denied many of Hutchinson's claims after she testified.

The committee could make criminal referrals against Trump, according to Liz Cheney. The committee's members can inform the Justice Department of possible criminal conduct if they so choose.

Mary predicted last month that if Trump is indicted, he will try to clear his name or blame someone else.

She said that we should expect a full court press by him and everyone in his circle to change the subject, muddy the waters, and cast blame on everyone from the lowliest of White House aides on up. He won't take it lying down, and he will engage everyone who is willing to work for him.

One police officer was killed in the Capitol riot. The Proud Boys are a hate group and were also present.

Despite Joe Biden's election victory, organizers were encouraged by Trump's calls to protest. While members of Congress were meeting in the Capitol to certify the results and verify Biden's electoral win, Trump supporters staged an attempted coup.