• Donald Trump talked about his health during a speech.

  • Trump claims to be very healthy despite his age and weight.

  • A bad call from a doctor would be the only thing that would prevent Trump from running.

During his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday, Donald Trump said that former White House doctor Ronny Jackson loved looking at his body.

The White House doctor was him. He was a really good doctor. While Jackson looked on from the audience, Trump said that he was an admiral, a doctor and now a congressman.

He indicated the doctor because he loved looking at my body. It was powerful.

According to Trump, Jackson told him that he was the healthiest president ever.

—Acyn (@Acyn) August 6, 2022

Trump was advised by Jackson to lose 10 to 15 pounds.

During Barack Obama and Donald Trump's time in office, Jackson served as the president's doctor. He became a congressman in 2020

He attended the "Stop the Steal" rally in January of 2021.

Obama wrote Jackson a letter expressing his "disappointment" after Jackson speculated about Biden's cognitive health on social media.

In recent months, Jackson has praised Trump's health, claiming that he is in the top 10% of everyone his age and suggesting that he might have lived to be 200 years old if he had a healthy diet.

He is one of several Trump allies who are trying to convince the public that he is in better shape than Biden.

Some of Trump's supporters are concerned that he might not be healthy enough to run for president in four years.

A bad call from a doctor would be the only thing that would prevent Trump from running.

Business Insider has an article on it.