If the above options aren't doing it for you, the below picks are better. If you can find them for dirt cheap, it's worth looking at old Nooks, Nooks with books, and the like. The older they get, the slower they are, with less efficient batteries and laggy screens. If you can test it out in person before buying, that's great.
The basic kindle costs $110 without ads and is a few years old It's not waterproof, but it has a front light that makes it readable in a dark room, and it can be used to listen to audiobooks.
The included stylus allows you to mark up books or create notebooks on the e-reader. It's perfect for class. The big screen is nice, but it costs a lot.
The Barnes & Noble Glowlight 4 has more storage than the Glowlight 4E, and it has a night mode for more comfort.
There is no need to buy a separate device to read books. For this purpose, phones and tablets are perfect. You can use the Amazon app to read books on the go, as well as download the OverDrive app for library book access. There is no getting around the fact that the screens in e-readers are nicer to look at. There are no notifications to be distracted by or social media feeds to doom scroll through, that's a good thing.
If you want to use your smart device for more than just reading, check out our Best Tablets and Best iPad guides.
The cost of Ebooks can add up if you fly through the pages quickly. If you have a library card, you should be able to check out books instantly. Most library branches use OverDrive which makes it easy to get free library books. The books are returned to the library when they are due.
If you end up with a Kindle, there are a number of ways to get free books. You can get unlimited access to millions of books for $10 a month. If you already have a Prime account, it's a good idea to know that you can get a few free books a month. It's possible to lend books to friends and family for a while.