Kevin Federline claims that his kids don't want to see their mom right now because they don't want to hurt her feelings. Portions of the interview with the singer's ex- husband will be aired on ITV this coming week. The print version of their story contained some juicy quotes. Kevin claims that their sons are avoiding Britney right now. There are hints that they might want to keep their distance over a number of things, including Brit's behavior. The boys decided they weren't going to see her. They haven't seen her in a long time. They decided not to go to her wedding because they were happy for her. It's possible that they're keeping her at arm's length because of her nude postings on social media. It's hard on them even though he tried to explain it away. Despite their constant questions about it over the years, some of which he couldn't answer, Kevin has tried to shield them from it. He says that Jamie Spears saved her life and that he would welcome their grandfather back into his life. Back to Britney. Kevin said that the boys saw things that made him uncomfortable when they visited Britney, but he wouldn't go into details. He says Sean and Jayden have made a decision, and that's to stay away. It hurts to be in that position but they tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. I made sure my kids could come and talk to me at any time. My kids know that they come to me and to my wife to talk about anything. This level of trust is not possible with Britney. Britney and Kevin share custody of the teens, but KF has them a lot.