The parents of a child who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre were awarded over forty million dollars in damages by a Texas jury. After years of denying that the massacre was a hoax, he must pay for the suffering caused to the parents.

The trial marks the first time Jones has been held financially responsible for his lies about the Sandy Hook school shooting, where he claimed multiple times on his show that no one died. The parents of the Sandy Hook children that were killed were crisis actors, according to Jones.

Jones admitted that the Sandy Hook shooting was real in order to distance himself from his theories.

When Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis first filed their defamation suit, they sought a total of $150 million in damages. There are compensation damages that are awarded. Punitive damages are awarded when a person is found guilty of a crime.

The total amount of damages was over 50 million dollars. Andino Reynal told reporters there will be an appeal and that he will seek a reduction in the award. The final amount is believed to be as low as 1.5 million.

Lewis told reporters that she was happy that Jones was held accountable and that she was able to stand up to him.

Lewis said that he hoped that he did that incredible courage justice when he confronted Alex Jones. I hope that motivates other people to do the same thing.

Jones will see a court for a long time to come. There are at least two defamation suits against Jones, one in Connecticut and one in Austin. Jones' lawyer accidentally leaked years of Jones' text messages to the media.