A big blue star lit up the early universe.

Light has been reduced to shadows wherever it met dust and rock over the course of many years.

It was pulled out of shape by the growth of space itself as it skirted the gravity wells of interceding stars.

Earlier this year, some of the light fell upon the lens of a telescope and gave us a look at an ancient star.

The pictures provided by Hubble were amazing. Scientists used a different telescope to get a closer look at it.

The star known as Earendel is the earliest star we humans have ever had the chance to see.

The corner of the sky dominated by the constellation Cetus was looked at by the James Webb Space Telescope.

We're excited to share the first JWST image of Earendel, the most distant star known in our universe, lensed and magnified by a massive galaxy cluster. It was observed Saturday by JWST program 2282. pic.twitter.com/YoZZKRsdzf

— Cosmic Spring JWST (@CosmicSprngJWST) August 2, 2022

It's difficult to tell the object that made it from the dim rays that are bent out of shape. Earendel is likely to be around 50 to 100 solar mass. It is likely to burn out in a supernova just millions of years after it started.

You can see Earendel as it's lensed by the cluster, WHL0137-08, in the center of the image! Here is a zoom-in on the star itself! Stay tuned for an update from the science team! pic.twitter.com/3mfYZ0WTNg

— Cosmic Spring JWST (@CosmicSprngJWST) August 2, 2022

It's not likely to be the first star in the Universe at a time when heavier elements weren't plentiful.

We'll have to wait a bit longer to learn from its spectrum. Astronomers might be able to glean a few more clues about this new record holder with the help of the JWST.

Earendel's tired light traveled a long way to arrive here. It's worth waiting a little longer to hear it.