I was not the kind of person who would start a business. After losing my job as an audio engineer, I had to getTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia

I have built two online businesses that make me $160,000 a month in passive income. I wrote a book about how to get paid for what you know.

I started The Recording Revolution because I wanted to sell music production courses. I taught people how to make money off of their passions. Thanks to online course and coaching program sales, it is the most profitable business.

Graham began his business. He has scaled two online companies and now makes $120,000 a month.

The photo was taken for CNBC.

My goal is to help more entrepreneurs grow their online businesses while working less hours.

Spending time with family and being able to give back are my top priorities, so I have set up my work and personal life to be able to focus on them.

I have a typical day.

I wake up at 5 a.m. so I can get an hour to myself. I will begin with coffee and my bible.

I will wake the kids after making breakfast with my wife. We will eat together in the kitchen before I drop them off at school.

If I am in the mood, I head back to my home office and work out.

Graham and his wife have breakfast with their children.

The photo was taken for CNBC.

I plan and make videos on Mondays. Potential customers find me through this. They can get emails about free resources and online courses if they sign up for my newsletter.

I make a lot of money from these courses. I have designed my business system to automatically send emails so that I can maintain a steady flow of free content.

Two hours is how long it takes to record a video. Someone who edits and uploads the content is a part of my team. On Mondays, I give advice to members of my Six-Figure Coaching Community or answer emails.

I host a 90-minute live call with my business coaching students on Wednesdays.

Graham spends about 5 hours a week on his businesses.

The photo was taken for CNBC.

Extra hours of work are added to my schedule every month when I film an exclusive training for my paid community.

I don't think the hustle culture is healthy or wise. If you can find a way to build systems into your business so that it runs on its own, you don't need to spend a lot of time maintaining it.

What about being your own boss if you work all the time?

When people ask what I do with all the extra time in my week, my answer isn't the most exciting. I run an errand, hit the gym, go to the car wash, have coffee with a friend, or read a book. Jamie Winship wrote " Living Fearless"

I spend time with my family the most important thing. My wife considers Friday to be a date day. We work out, eat lunch, talk about the kids, and meet with our marriage counselor.

We want to communicate better when we have disagreements. The work I've put into our relationship has made me a better husband and father.

We always pick up the kids from school together. We would like to be home when they are. Family dinner is one of our non-negotiables. We don't use technology at dinner. My wife and I cook most evenings. We eat out occasionally.

Graham said that his schedule has two non-negotiables.

The photo was taken for CNBC.

We like to go for walks, swim in the pool, watch movies, and play with the children. We want to teach them life skills like how to share feelings and be kind to each other. I want them to feel important in the family.

In Florida and around the world, we travel a lot. We went to the South of France a few summers ago. We spent three weeks in Puerto Rico. Being able to make these memories together is priceless.