Supporters Of President Trump Gather In D.C. To Protest Election Results
Alex Jones speaks to supporters of President Donald Trump during a protest on December 12th, 2020
Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

A jury in Texas ordered Alex Jones to pay over forty million dollars for spreading a false conspiracy theory. A $4.1 million verdict from yesterday could be a big blow to Jones's media empire. Limits built into the Texas legal code could reduce the number.

After hearing testimony about Jones's finances, the jury decided to give him a second chance. It included an assessment that Jones' company Free Speech Systems was worth at least $130 million, and that it had annual revenue of $50 million or more in recent years. In court, Jones claimed that a fine of $2 million or more couldsink the group.

Texas has a law that caps the amount of damages at twice the amount of economic damages per person. Jones' attorneys plan to file for a reduction of the fine based on that rule, something the lawsuit's attorneys will definitely litigate if necessary.

One of three trials involving the parents of children who were killed at Sandy Hook is over. The people had asked for a lot of money.