There isn't a single right way to get fit that will work for everyone, all of the time. Regardless of where we are in our quest for fitness, there are certain key principles that we can all apply, no matter what approach we take.

Your own path to getting fit should always be centered on your interests and hobbies. Whether it's hunting for the best rowing machines or hiking to see the view from a remote mountaintop, build your routine around elements that you enjoy. You can fall back on activities that you enjoy when things get difficult.

What does being fit mean?

What are we talking about when we say 'being fit'? "This seems really simple, but when you dig deeper into the details it can become a little more complex." This is due to the fact that fitness means different things to different people and it is different for different situations.

It can be defined as being healthy or free of disease. We could be referring to the ability to do physical tasks and how well we can do them. It could be tasks of daily living or it could be other activities.


Professor Glen Davison

Sport and exercise scientist,

What are the different components of fitness?

The key areas to focus on when engaging in aholistic fitness regimen are: According to Davison, agility is the ability to respond to something unexpected and quickly. This could be reacting to an opponent and trying to tackle them.

It's more complicated than just being able to move quickly or change direction because it involves the cognitive components of processing of cues. In everyday life, agility could be avoiding an obstacle to avoid a fall.

Speed is an element that is aided by coordination and allows the body to maintain a steady state of movement. Aerobic power is defined as the ability of your heart, lungs and blood to carry oxygen throughout exercise, while explosive strength is the ability of your muscles to overcome resistance.

Flexibility, muscular endurance and reaction time are all key components, and while no area should be ignored, it's worth considering which areas are key to you.

How to get fit: Image shows woman working out

(Image credit: Getty)

Different ways to get fit


It is important to think about how you plan to use your increased fitness when making changes. Specificity is important with so much work to be done. A marathon runner might be very fit in terms of their endurance performance and their cardiovascular system, but they may be unfit in other areas.

It's important to figure out what you want your body to do in order to start a fitness programme. If you want to get in touch with a qualified personal trainer, you should conduct your own research.

Find something you enjoy doing

It's important to build a sustainable routine by enjoying it. A 1997 study published in the International Journal of Sports Psychology shows that people who enjoy a particular form of exercise are more likely to keep doing it.

Athletes could find their motivation dropping if they stuck to the same exercise routine according to a review of evidence. The dip in motivation was blamed on a lack of progress and boredom.

It is crucial to find a form of movement that works for you. If you find yourself no longer enjoying something, try to take a step back or push up to a more challenging pace. Things should be interesting for you.

How to get fit: Image shows person rolling yoga mat

(Image credit: Getty)

Get your rest in

It is important that you give your body time to recover after exercising. Rest days are necessary for key processes to occur, including muscle repair and growth.

If you have regular rest intervals, you will perform better in your next workouts.

Rest days can help you stay injury-free. Depression, chronic injuries and menstrual changes can all be caused by a lack of recovery time.

Eat right, sleep right

You can't afford to ignore what you put into your body if you want to achieve your fitness goals. Gaining weight requires you to have more calories than you take in while losing weight requires less calories than you take in.

You need to make sure that you give your body enough sleep so that it can do its job. If you don't get enough sleep, you won't be able to perform to an adequate standard or feel the benefits of exercise.

The good news is that you can get 7 to 8 hours of exercise if you work on it.

Man asleep in bed

(Image credit: Getty)

While it is widely accepted that exercise can have a beneficial effect on the body, more research is needed into the optimal time to exercise. If you want to improve your sleep, it is recommended that you work out during the day if you want to.

Putting it all together

You will soon see real gains in your quest for improved fitness if you put the above elements in place. Getting out of shape is a process and the same can be said for improving your fitness. Enjoy yourself and be consistent. The rest will take care of themselves.