I like sharing life updates on this website. I am eternally grateful to the people who have been reading OMAAT for a long time because I have been writing this for a long time. Today is probably the biggest life update yet, which will shape the content of this website.

My new favorite kind of Miles

Ford and I were able to welcome our son, Miles, to the world. While we are only a day into being dads, I don't think words can adequately describe the overwhelming emotions, joy, and gratitude we are feeling. It took us a long time to get to this point, and we can't believe it's here.

I have a hard time putting it into words because I am exhausted and emotional. One of the most special things for me is that my mom is still here to see me. She has been fighting cancer for a long time and it was her dream to meet him. I'm grateful that this happened.

My mom meeting Miles for the first time

I’m excited to learn travel in a whole new way

I am excited to be a dad but also looking forward to learning a completely different way of traveling. I would like to think that I know everything there is to know about traveling with an infant, but I find myself searching for everything I need to know on the internet. There will be a lot of posts asking for tips from readers and sharing my experiences with an infant.

When you are two gays with a baby, travel dynamics are likely to change more than usual. My experiences with that will be reported back to me.

It is only 17 years and 368 days until Miles applies for his first credit card.

Discussing the 5/24 limit with Miles… you can never start too early!

What this means for blog content going forward

I don't think we'll take Miles on any long weekend trips to Asia for the first few years. What does that mean for the contents of the website?

  • Odds are that our family trips will mostly be closer to home at first, to keep things simple
  • When we decide to travel long haul, we’ll probably prioritize staying at a destination for longer, though that’s something that we’ve been doing lately anyway
  • I’ll of course continue reviewing lots of airline products, though that’ll probably come in the form of very quick trips lasting just a few days, like I did in the good old days, so I can maximize time at home

I will look for tips from other parents here. It is said that traveling with infants is easy until they are able to walk. We'll probably start slowly and go from there.

Ford preparing Miles’ stomach for American Airlines turkey sandwiches

Bottom line

It has been a crazy and exciting day. Ford and I are both very excited about our new life adventure, and I am also very excited about learning how to travel with an infant.

If parents want to share their single best tip for traveling with a newborn or something they wish they knew earlier, I would be more than happy to do it.
