A lawyer for Sandy Hook parents said that Alex Jones had intimate messages with Roger Stone.

The attorney said that the House committee wanted the information. The House investigators were interested in the text messages between Jones and Stone, who were involved in the Stop the Steal rallies.

The contents of Jones' phone were mistakenly sent to Mark Bankston, a lawyer for the Sandy Hook parents who are suing Jones for defamation.

Every text Jones sent in the past two years are included in the mistakenly forwarded contents.

Mr. Jones and his messages to Roger Stone are not private. Bankston told the Texas judge that they are not trade secrets.

The contents of Jones' phone were found in Bankston's possession.

Bankston said he was asked to turn over the contents of Jones' phone.

Federal agencies and law enforcement want me to give them that phone. Bankston told the judge that he would do so if she ruled that he couldn't.

Jones' phone could be subpoenaed by the House committee, according to the judge.

They're aware of them. They are aware that they exist. They're aware that you have them. Gamble denied the motion for a mis trial as she said she wouldn't seal the phone.

The allegations about law-enforcement interest are designed to create more press around the issue.

The defense attorney said that this should have never happened.

He told Bankston to disregard the contents of Jones' phone after it was mistakenly sent to him.

In a dramatic courtroom moment on Wednesday, Bankston said Jones' attorneys "messed up" and sent him a copy of Jones' phone contents.

Bankston told Jones that his attorneys messed up and sent him a digital copy of his cellphone. You lied to me when you said you didn't have text messages.

Sandy Hook parents were found liable by default for defaming them after Jones made a false claim about the massacre.

The jury is considering how much Jones must pay in damages to the parents of Jesse Lewis, one of the 26 people killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

The parents are seeking compensation from Jones.

The jury will decide how much Jones must pay in damages to the families of the Sandy Hook victims.