There was a new post on August 3, 2022, at 04:22pm.
Attorneys representing the parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims accused Alex Jones of perjury at his defamation trial Wednesday, saying his legal team accidentally sent records proving Jones wrote numerous emails and text messages referencing the massacre, even though Jones testified that he could not find any of that
Alex Jones tried to answer questions about his emails posed by Mark Bankston.
Mark Bankston said Jones' lawyers turned over years of records from his cellphone.
Jones had testified that he had searched for Sandy Hook on his phone, but there was no result.
Bankston showed Jones that he wrote emails mentioning Sandy Hook, even though he doesn't use email.
Bankston was told at one point that he did not lie.
Perjury is what you are wondering. Bankston wanted to know.
Despite peddling conspiracy theories about the shooting being staged on his radio program, Jones believes it was real. In one of several lawsuits brought by the parents of Sandy Hook victims, Jones was found liable for defamation and the current trial is set to determine how much Jones owes the parents.
It's $800,000 a day. The records on Jones' phone show how much money he made in the year. One of the first financial records made public was the number.
Jones was accused of taking an unscrupulous approach to the trial by Bankston, who played a video of a broadcast in which Jones said those in the jury pool don't know what planet they're on.
According to Rolling Stone, the House January 6 committee is working on a request to get a hold of Jones' text messages.
Alex Jones says jurors don't know what planet they're on.
Alex Jones said that the trial judge was possessed just before he was set to testify.