We unpack the numbers and nuances behind the headlines on the Equity show.

We focus on one topic, think about a question, and unpack the rest of the show. They asked if it was time for the bootstrapper to jump on the treadmill.

The episode was inspired by a pair of articles, "The boot strapped are coming, the boot strapped are coming" and "Will once-boot strapped startups turn to venture during a Watershed Moment?" We continued the conversation with numbers in mind.

We got into something.

  • The definition of bootstrapping, and our own additions and subtractions.
  • The trend of more bootstrapped companies taking on venture, or at least more venture capitalists being interested in bootstrapped companies.
  • What the heck is a venture treadmill, and what to drugs have to do with it?
  • We ended by both agreeing that we are, indeed, the best.

When it comes to bootstrapping companies, there is a lot of history. We don't know if it will happen more often today or later. Let's talk.

Bootstrapping in 2021 goes a long way

Equity goes down at 7 a.m. on Mondays. Thursday and Friday are at 6 a.m. You can subscribe to us on Apple, Overcast, and all the casts.