Men who are married or have a university degree are thought to live longer than women.
The analysis concluded that although men have a lower life expectancy than women, they have a better chance of living longer.
Between 25% and 50% of men have outlived women, according to the academics inDenmark, who highlighted that large differences in life expectancy sometimes mask substantial overlaps in between the sexes.
The study looked at data on the lifespan of men and women in 199 countries. Men who are married or have a degree are more likely to live longer than women who aren't married or have a degree.
The authors said that males who are married or have a university degree tend to live longer.
After the 1970s, the probability of men outliving women increased in all populations. Smoking and other behavioral differences are to blame for the rise and fall in life expectancy. A distorted perception of the inequalities in lifespan can be caused by blind interpretations of life expectancy differences.
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Even though male life expectancy is generally lower than female life expectancy, and male death rates are usually higher at all ages, males have a substantial chance of outliving females.
The findings challenge the idea that men don't live as long as women.
The lifespans of both genders in different countries could be examined by the academics.