The topics you want to learn about most are the ones we asked you to vote on. We are back with a third wave of exciting topics after announcing the first two groups of winners.

Roundtables are 30-minute expert-led discussions designed for up to 20 attendees who share an interest in a specific topic. There is time for attendees to connect and explore collaborative opportunities.

You will need a pass to participate in any of these discussions. You can save a lot of money if you buy your pass before prices go up on Friday.

Why having genuine passion for your industry gives you a competitive edge, how to use flat wins to overcome obstacles, how to scale products that have never existed, and the challenge of raising up-front capital are some of the topics discussed in the five roundtables.

Love What You Do: Lessons from the passion economy

Robin strm is the co- founder and CEO of Wehype.

Robin strm, co- founder and CEO of Wehype, will lead a discussion on how the passion economy has made it easier to make money from creativity. He will discuss why it is important for startup founders to operate in industries they are passionate about.

Robin knows how to turn his gaming obsession into a competitive advantage. He met the co- founders of Counter-Strike while playing the game as a teenager.

Their love of gaming gave them the motivation to overcome challenges, allowing them to build Wehype into a rapidly growing and profitable business.

The value of flat wins

Alex Hersham is the co- founder and CEO at Zencargo.

One of the most rewarding and gratifying things a person can do is to start a business. When you find a solution and return to where you started, you can stay on track and push through the obstacles you face.

Alex Hersham will be leading a discussion about how flat wins have shaped his mentality and created resilience in his mindset as a founder. Hersham will have touches points.

  • Defining flat wins and examining the psychology behind them
  • Examples of how flat wins shaped both his career and the success of his company
  • How flat wins can create resilience not just in founders, but across entire companies
  • How flat wins can drive value for your business

My daughter the cyborg

The speaker is the founder and CEO of Cionic.

We have the technological capability to change human health. Marrying humans to machines is the next great technological frontier, and for Cionic founderJeremiah Robison, that mission is driven by his daughter's mobility challenges

The soft, Wearable robot created by Cionic looks and feels like athletic leggings. Artificial intelligence and electrical stimulation move someone's leg for them.

The future of augmented human mobility, how to scale a product that hasn't existed, and where to begin when inventing at the frontier of humans and machines are some of the topics that will be covered at the Roundtable.

Pricing for competitive advantage

The founder of Price Theory is speaking.

85% of companies don't have optimal pricing strategies, even though price is a startup's most important tool.

We will discuss how to approach value based pricing and answer your questions about how to price a startup for competitive advantage and growth.

Traction vs. funding: The chicken-or-egg problem for deep tech startups

The COO at Natrion is speaking.

Natrion raised $2 million oversubscribed in a high risk, highly competitive industry. They struggled to prove to investors that the technology worked when they needed the capital upfront to actually build it.

Natrion was able to get support from both industry investors and high-profile investors like Mark Cuban. The team was taught how to walk this tightrope.

How can a deep tech startup prove their tech with limited resources while still securing strategic investors and partners? Natrion COO Thomas Rouffiac will talk about how other R&D dependent startup can do the same.

The event will take place in San Francisco on October 18 and 21. You can save more than $1,000 if you buy your pass before the early-bird pricing ends.

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