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She wants to prove that age is not a barrier.

The 89-year-old Burlesque Dancer from Palm Bay can be seen on the "America's Got Talent" stage. She will be on the final show airing at 8pm. The show is onNBC.

Starr, who celebrated her birthday Sunday, talked to FLORIDA TODAY. Starr danced under her stage name.

Tell me about your experience auditioning for America's Got Talent.

Correct, it was wonderful. I had a good time. I couldn't say "burlesque" at all. I was just a person who dances. A dancer does not dance to a flag. Yes, right? They chose that number for me. I could not do my regular number but I could march.

What were the judges' opinions of the show?

The people were wonderful. A lot of people told me that they wouldn't be nice. Everybody was pleasant. Even Simon, even I was prepared to face him. If he blew the buzzer on me, I would turn around and say "Respect your elders" He was pleasant.

The music was playing when I started my number. It was fine until I took my gloves off. All of them had bigger eyes and bigger mouths. Simon looked at the audience and asked "What the hell is she doing?" when I dropped my gown. They have never had a stripper on there before.

Penny Starr Sr., an 89-year-old burlesque dancer from Palm Bay, FL, will appear on
Penny Starr Sr., an 89-year-old burlesque dancer from Palm Bay, FL, will appear on "America's Got Talent" on Tuesday, Aug. 2. The show airs on NBC at 8 p.m. ET.

How did you choose your stage name?

Janet Gaynor is my actual name. My mother made a change. I told my mom I needed a show name. She says that Janet Gaynor did "Pennies from Heaven". "Penny Starr, there's your name," she said.

How did you start dancing?

In 1957, I began. I went with a circus. I was not good on the line. I was in the net more than I was up. I was taken from the aerial act and given a baby elephant. I worked with her. I was with her for a long time. They took me to the carnival. I was taught how to be a stripper by the carnival owner's wife.

We went to "Guys and Dolls" in the winter when we lived in Tampa. That's how I began my career. After about a year at that club, the owner told Janet, "You're good." He told you to get yourself an agent and start dancing.

Did you meet a lot of celebrities dancing?

I used to have breakfast with Sammy Davis, Jr. and Frank Sinatra. They knew me very well. All of them were nice.

Penny Starr Sr., an 89-year-old burlesque dancer from Palm Bay, FL, will appear on "America's Got Talent" on Tuesday, Aug. 2. The show airs on NBC at 8 p.m. ET.

Do you have a story about your dance career?

I played in Atlantic City in 1962. There was a beauty contest that took place in '62. I got the win.

I won't retire as long as they pay for me. I'm a legend and I'm in the Hall of Fame.

Do you like dancing?

The stage is something I like. The stage will love you if you love it. The people will as well. Don't bother if you don't enjoy the stage.

Do you do signature moves?

I was known for my poetry. It's more on the slower side and has a lot of hand and arm movement.

Will you host a viewing party for "America's Got Talent" on August 2nd?

I did it, but I didn't get to see it. I would like to see the crowd. A lot of things can be incorporated into a new number.

Penny Starr Sr., an 89-year-old burlesque dancer from Palm Bay, FL, will appear on "America's Got Talent" on Tuesday, Aug. 2. The show airs on NBC at 8 p.m. ET.

Christina LaFortune is an editor at FLORIDA TODAY. if you would like to follow her on social media.

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An article about an 89-year-old Burlesque dancer was originally published on Florida Today.