The Kremlin said that Russia can't do much to help with the repairs.

There are certain problems caused by sanctions and they need urgent repairs.

He said that Russia has the ability to help fix the situation.

Huge spikes in gas prices have been caused by Russia's decision to slash flows to Europe via the key conduit due to delays in repairs to equipment. It cut flows to the eurozone region to 20% because a second turbine needed to be fixed.

Russia's state-energy giant Gazprom reduced gas flows to Europe to 40% earlier due to a hold-up with a turbine that was repaired in Canada.

The recent interruptions to gas flows have forced European leaders to draw up emergency plans as they fear Russia could permanently turn off the gas tap.

The European Union asked member countries last week to come up with plans for gas supplies during the winter season.

Even though Europe is hurting from the energy crisis, Russia is worse off in the long run, according to a new study.