For businesses that offer customers apps, or for independent developers, the work hardly stops once the app is available for download. Most apps have regular updates available to users.

Some of the reasons an app might have an update can include bugs, changes in technology that need to be addressed, and changes in user demands.

While app updates can offer value for users because they’ll typically get better functionality and improve features, they can also be annoying. There has to be a balance between offering a great product through updates and keeping users from feeling burdened by them or like they’re pointless.

So what should be considered when deciding on timing for app updates?

There Are Benefits to Regular Updates

While too many updates can be somewhat of an aggravation to users, there is another way to look at it. There is the perspective that regular app updates can keep your product fresh in the minds of users.

When you’re releasing regular updates, such as once a month, it also keeps you in the updates list. Apple and Google tend to look at updates favorably as well.

You can also look at regular app updates as a way to build loyalty with your users, and show them that you’re concerned about the quality of the experience they’re getting. Updating once a month is actually considered on the less frequent side of the scale, so while you shouldn’t go crazy with updates, you don’t need to fear them as much as you think you do.

Think About Solving Problems

When you’re weighing whether or not you’re going to release an update, you should always be doing so within the context of solving a problem.

If you have an update that’s going to improve the relevancy and value of your app, then you should do it. It’s tough to hold onto an app audience, but by focusing on continually improving value, you’re in a better position to do that.

This means you can’t ever have a set-it-and-forget-it approach to app development. Too often with app development, there’s the sense that once it’s out, it’s done. That’s not the case, and you do have to work to stay important and stay relevant.

Base Updates on Feedback

When you’re trying to identify or prioritize updates, do your research just like you did when you were initially developing your app. Look at what user feedback is, and specifically base your updates on what everyone is saying about your app.

User feedback is one of the best tools you have to ensure your app remains relevant, so put it to use.

How Many Apps Do You Have?

Finally, while many of the considerations when it comes to app updates should be based on the needs of your users, you’ll also have to think about what’s realistic for you.

If you have a lot of apps, then you’re probably not going to be able to update them all every month. You may have to opt for updating on an as-needed basis instead.
