The Earth had a single spin in less than 24 hours because of a wobble in its axis.

The website states that June 29 was 1.59 milliseconds shorter than the previous day.

The days have been getting shorter and slower in the last few years.

This could lead to the first ever requirement to subtract a second from atomic clocks.

The Earth is not perfect

The axis of the Earth is not always in line with what we experience as night and day.

It isn't a precise sphere.

Earth is slightly elliptical due to the bulge at the equator and the slight squashing of the poles.

The spinning can be affected by ocean tides and gravity from the moon.

The "Chandler wobble"

A professor of mathematics thinks that the Earth may be spinning faster because of a wobble.

The wobble was first noticed by an astronomer in the late 19th century.

The wobble began to slow down in the 2000s.

Zotov told time that it vanished between the years of 2017:

According to, Zotov is going to present this hypothesis. Peer-reviewed is when it has been done.

Earth wobbles don't change a lot. It's important to keep track of them so the atomic clock can stay accurate.

The original article was published by Business Insider.

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