There are more revelations from the documents. According to reports, there's a transcript in the material that didn't make it to trial that contains information about the Australia fingertip incident. During her own grilling in the case, the woman was said to have told Johnny's attorneys that she was an art curator. Whitney recounted the incident to her. According to Whitney's ex-boss, she said that Amber had "done it now" when she told her sister about the fights with Johnny. In the unearthed transcript, JH is said to have said "this". She sliced off his finger. He had a finger. She ran out the door and said she needed to call someone. I have to talk to someone. When she was asked who she was, she replied. When she came back in she said that she had thrown a bottle and cut off Johnny's finger. The portion of the depo that was nixed from the trial was played in court. Even though we saw the other in a bad light at trial, Johnny and Amber wanted to make it worse. According to multiple outlets, a treasure trove of court documents has been made public, and they contain salacious allegations about each party that hadn't been known before. Some of the more noteworthy ones include a claim from Team Johnny thatAmber worked as a stripper and escort at some point early in her career, but were shot down by Judge Azcarate. The judge wouldn't allow the mention of the reality show Whitney shot once upon a time, which contained harmful info about Amber, as well as the mention of the reality show. The texts between Johnny and Marilyn Manson seemed to show him giving pointers to his friend about how to deal with an "amber type scenario" of his own. There were police amber type scenarios with L's family according to one text from MM toJD. I'm stressed. I don't know if you're back, but I need asylum because I think the cops are headed my way. This is in reference to someone named Lindsay, who Manson said had pulled something similar toAmber and who Johnny responded with support. There is more evidence that shows how bad Johnny's 'Pirates 5' days were than previously thought. He recently settled his assault lawsuit, but all of the other cases were left out. Johnny's specific defamation claims were the focus of the evidence presented. If any of this other stuff had been allowed, the case probably wouldn't have lasted that long. The story was originally published at 6:57 AM.