Heard is leaving the desert, at least the Southern California part of it, as she is selling her home for quite a bundle. The gossip website has learned. The home that was rumored to belong to AH was recently sold for more than a million dollars. An anonymous trust bought the crib for $570k, which was quietly snapped at the time, according to reports. Speculation is over. The new owner of the house told us that he had been dealing with the people of amber's camp, but never her. With the parcel having changed hands, amber walked away with almost double what she paid for it three years ago, a rough profit of about $480k. Property values have mostly gone up since she purchased it. She's trying to appeal the $8.3M judgment to benefit Johnny but things are tight for her. She can't afford to pay it, but her financial situation is not clear. Since the conclusion of the trial, we've seen her in New York or the city, but in her day-to-day life, she's been bouncing around. She's on the move again and there seems to be a U-Haul in her future.