Musk responded to the prisoner exchange offer made by the US and Russia.

The two-time Olympic gold medal winner has been held in Russia since February after Moscow airport officials claimed to have found marijuana in her suitcase.

Is it possible to free some people in jail for weed here as well? The meme captioned "People in the US in jail for weed while the government trades a Russian war criminal to free a women's basketball player in jail for weed" was written by Musk.

The New York Times and CNN reported last week that the Biden administration offered to release a Russian arms dealer known as the "merchant of death" in exchange for two other men.

—Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 31, 2022

The US made a substantial proposal to get the pair of Americans released, but didn't say if Bout was offered up in the negotiations. There is no deal between Russia and the US at this time.

Musk has previously criticized the US justice systems for their persecution of marijuana crimes.

Many people are still in prison despite the fact that selling weed went from a major felony to an essential business during the Pandemic. It doesn't make sense, isn't it?

After telling The New York Times that "weed is not helpful for productivity", Musk was filmed smoking marijuana during a live interview.

He said there was a reason for the word "stoned". "You just sit there and relax."