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The internet is grappling with a lot of issues. This is made worse by the fact that social media networks are controlled by the government.

The foundations of free speech and collaboration that the Internet was built on is damaged by this.

While the early iteration of the metaverse has started to face similar challenges, it also holds a promise for a more distributed architecture of the web, which could help to mitigate some of these issues. Content can be tracked and controlled on the legacy Internet, but Web3 could allow the creation of truly protected digital speech.

Censorship in the centralized web

A few actors control a lot of the centralized web. This has resulted in rampant censorship and control of information. Some countries restrict or even control social media networks. It means that people can't speak their minds.

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As China faces increased criticism of its zero-COVID policy, it is censoring social media platforms, search engines, and individual posts. The Chinese government recently proposed that all online comments be reviewed to make sure they are in line with the party narrative.

The international community dislikes China's handling of the Uyghur minority. The Chinese government has been accused of many crimes against the Uyghur people. Artificial intelligence has been used by China to monitor and control the Uyghur population.

China is not the only country with a large population. As Russia faces a populace questioning its foreign policy decisions, the government is pressuring platforms to censor. Russia has been censoring the internet for a long time.

There are many examples of how social media networks are used to control information. The centralized nature of the web makes it easy for those in power to silence dissent.

The ultimate goal of the metaverse is to become a 3D internet where users can create and interact with each other.

Web2 has a centralized nature that makes it possible to censor it. The taps can be turned off by those in power. The solution to this problem is the metaverse, which is more censorship- resistant. It's more difficult for authorities to control information with the underlying data stored in a network of nodes.

Safe spaces can be created using the metaverse. It is possible to use NFTs as gateways to protected areas. In a safe environment, marginalized groups could interact with each other.

The virtual world Personal Boundary has implemented safety features like a four-foot zone of personal space around users, and Roblox has strong safety features in place, including machine detection of unsafe content. Reports of children being groomed by extremists on the platform highlight the importance of designing comprehensive safety features into virtual worlds.

Anitya space is a white-label solution created by the venture builder and newkinco. Newkinco works with organizations such as the Goethe-Institut and Tales of Us to create cultural experiences in the metaverse. To reach a global audience and to share stories at the intersection of culture, community and nature, Tales of Us interacts with kids, teenagers and their guardians. They have been working with both organizations to find ways to gamify a learning experience.

There is more to come. The metaverse will become a place for cultural sharing and exchange as it becomes more popular.

The metaverse doesn't solve the problems of the centralized web. Some of the worst parts of the web have already played out in virtual worlds.

Users harassing or abusing others in digital spaces is called griefing. This can be done in a variety of ways, including virtual assault. There is a serious problem with grief in online games like Second Life and Roblox.

The feeling of the metaverse is called the "Wild West" There are no rules regarding what can and can't be done in virtual worlds. A lack of governance can lead to a feeling of lawlessness and can be dangerous for users.

The metaverse is still in its early stages. The metaverse is still being built, and there are very few "killer apps" that would make it essential for users.

Looking ahead

The problem of the centralized web can be solved by the metaverse. It is still in its infancy and faces a lot of challenges.

There are issues that have arisen in virtual worlds as the metaverse grows. We need to learn from our mistakes and build a safe and secure metaverse for everyone. Design comprehensive safety features into virtual worlds, regulate grieving and harassment, and establish user rules and guidelines are some of the things this entails.

The metaverse is at risk of becoming an echo chamber without these safeguards. The metaverse has the potential to be a safe place for everyone. Civil society organizations and metaverse developers work together to create a more inclusive and diverse digital future for everyone.

We can create a better metaverse by using safety features on existing platforms, reporting harassment and abuse, and being respectful of other users.

Valerias is a strategy and innovation consultant.

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