Nancy Pelosi is leading a congressional delegation to Asia that will visit four different countries, but her itinerary made no mention of reports that she is considering a stop in Taiwan, which has caused tension between the US and Taiwan.
Nancy Pelosi is the speaker of the House.
Pelosi said in a statement that she and five other Democrats would be visiting Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan.
Pelosi is joined by several other Democrats.
It is not clear if the delegation will visit Taiwan, after reports that Pelosi planned to visit the island caused China to threaten severe consequences.
Forbes did not get a response from Pelosi's office.
In the last few years, China has sent more military jets into Taiwan's air defense zone and expressed its desire to unify with Taiwan. The U.S. doesn't officially recognize Taiwan's independence from China, which was the topic of a Thursday phone call between Biden and Xi. While the U.S. doesn't recognize the island's independence and hasn't committed to protecting Taiwan against an invasion by mainland China, it does sell weapons to Taiwan. Those who play with fire will die if the US supports Taiwanese independence. Some U.S. lawmakers want to rethink American policy on China and Taiwan. McCaul said Pelosi invited him on a trip to Taiwan, but he turned it down because of a previous visit.
Biden told reporters last week that the military doesn't think it's a good idea for Pelosi to visit Taiwan.
The U.S. should not play with fire over Taiwan.